Opposition to the Blood Center/Longfellow 334-foot Commercial Tower
Proposed Construction by:
Urban planner, George M. Janes's Blood Center Tower
310 East 67th Street
The Manhattan Borough President, Gale Brewer will make a recommendation to the City Planning Commission that will shape zoning regulations
Join the meeting on July 12th at 6pm at Hunter College Assembly Hall.
If you cannot attend add your voice by emailing gbrewer@manhattanbp.nyc.gov
Sample email: “I urge you to oppose the Blood Center’s proposed tower because of the harm it will do to the mid-block and the precedent it will set for all the city’s residential mid-blocks.”
By speaking up you hold our officials accountable and empower the public process!
Summary of Project
Residents of Carnegie Hill oppose the Blood Center Tower because it is the first major challenge of the low-scale mid-block zoning adopted by the city in the mid-1980s. It was adopted to protect the mid-blocks from over-development by imposing a height limit of 75 feet. There should not be a rezoning allowed to replace its 3-story headquarters on East 67th Street with a 334-foot tower most of which would be rented out to for-profit companies as a “life sciences center.”
If the Blood Center’s plans (in partnership with a for-profit developer) for a 334-foot tower are allowed, this will set a precedent that will endanger all mid-blocks, including those in Carnegie Hill
The project and alternative proposals are presented in a report by urban planner, George M. Janes here.
The first stage was a review by Community Board 8, which resoundingly rejected the proposal in May.
This is the second stage of the ULURP process needed to get approval for the project.
The Manhattan Borough President will make a recommendation to the City Planning Commission, due by July 27. That recommendation will count heavily.